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Appendix E Obsolete Functions

After being marked as deprecated for two major releases, the following functions have been removed from Octave. The third column of the table shows the version of Octave in which the function was removed. Prior to removal, each function in the list was marked as deprecated for at least two major releases. All deprecated functions issue warnings explaining that they will be removed in a future version of Octave, and which function should be used instead.

Replacement functions do not always accept precisely the same arguments as the obsolete function, but should provide equivalent functionality.

Obsolete Function Replacement Version
beta_cdf betacdf 3.4.0
beta_inv betainv 3.4.0
beta_pdf betapdf 3.4.0
beta_rnd betarnd 3.4.0
binomial_cdf binocdf 3.4.0
binomial_inv binoinv 3.4.0
binomial_pdf binopdf 3.4.0
binomial_rnd binornd 3.4.0
chisquare_cdf chi2cdf 3.4.0
chisquare_inv chi2inv 3.4.0
chisquare_pdf chi2pdf 3.4.0
chisquare_rnd chi2rnd 3.4.0
clearplot clf 3.4.0
com2str num2str 3.4.0
exponential_cdf expcdf 3.4.0
exponential_inv expinv 3.4.0
exponential_pdf exppdf 3.4.0
exponential_rnd exprnd 3.4.0
f_cdf fcdf 3.4.0
f_inv finv 3.4.0
f_pdf fpdf 3.4.0
f_rnd frnd 3.4.0
gamma_cdf gamcdf 3.4.0
gamma_inv gaminv 3.4.0
gamma_pdf gampdf 3.4.0
gamma_rnd gamrnd 3.4.0
geometric_cdf geocdf 3.4.0
geometric_inv geoinv 3.4.0
geometric_pdf geopdf 3.4.0
geometric_rnd geornd 3.4.0
hypergeometric_cdf hygecdf 3.4.0
hypergeometric_inv hygeinv 3.4.0
hypergeometric_pdf hygepdf 3.4.0
hypergeometric_rnd hygernd 3.4.0
intersection intersect 3.4.0
is_bool isbool 3.4.0
is_complex iscomplex 3.4.0
is_list islist 3.4.0
is_matrix ismatrix 3.4.0
is_scalar isscalar 3.4.0
is_square issquare 3.4.0
is_stream isstream 3.4.0
is_struct isstruct 3.4.0
is_symmetric issymmetric 3.4.0
is_vector isvector 3.4.0
lognormal_cdf logncdf 3.4.0
lognormal_inv logninv 3.4.0
lognormal_pdf lognpdf 3.4.0
lognormal_rnd lognrnd 3.4.0
meshdom meshgrid 3.4.0
normal_cdf normcdf 3.4.0
normal_inv norminv 3.4.0
normal_pdf normpdf 3.4.0
normal_rnd normrnd 3.4.0
pascal_cdf nbincdf 3.4.0
pascal_inv nbininv 3.4.0
pascal_pdf nbinpdf 3.4.0
pascal_rnd nbinrnd 3.4.0
poisson_cdf poisscdf 3.4.0
poisson_inv poissinv 3.4.0
poisson_pdf poisspdf 3.4.0
poisson_rnd poissrnd 3.4.0
polyinteg polyint 3.4.0
struct_contains isfield 3.4.0
struct_elements fieldnames 3.4.0
t_cdf tcdf 3.4.0
t_inv tinv 3.4.0
t_pdf tpdf 3.4.0
t_rnd trnd 3.4.0
uniform_cdf unifcdf 3.4.0
uniform_inv unifinv 3.4.0
uniform_pdf unifpdf 3.4.0
uniform_rnd unifrnd 3.4.0
weibull_cdf wblcdf 3.4.0
weibull_inv wblinv 3.4.0
weibull_pdf wblpdf 3.4.0
weibull_rnd wblrnd 3.4.0
wiener_rnd wienrnd 3.4.0
create_set unique 3.6.0
dmult diag (A) * B 3.6.0
iscommand None 3.6.0
israwcommand None 3.6.0
lchol chol (..., "lower") 3.6.0
loadimage load or imread 3.6.0
mark_as_command None 3.6.0
mark_as_rawcommand None 3.6.0
spatan2 atan2 3.6.0
spchol chol 3.6.0
spchol2inv chol2inv 3.6.0
spcholinv cholinv 3.6.0
spcumprod cumprod 3.6.0
spcumsum cumsum 3.6.0
spdet det 3.6.0
spdiag sparse (diag (...)) 3.6.0
spfind find 3.6.0
sphcat horzcat 3.6.0
spinv inv 3.6.0
spkron kron 3.6.0
splchol chol (..., "lower") 3.6.0
split char (strsplit (s, t)) 3.6.0
splu lu 3.6.0
spmax max 3.6.0
spmin min 3.6.0
spprod prod 3.6.0
spqr qr 3.6.0
spsum sum 3.6.0
spsumsq sumsq 3.6.0
spvcat vertcat 3.6.0
str2mat char 3.6.0
unmark_command None 3.6.0
unmark_rawcommand None 3.6.0