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15.2.10 Interacting with Plots

The user can select points on a plot with the ginput function or selection the position at which to place text on the plot with the gtext function using the mouse. Menus may also be created and populated with specific user commands via the uimenu function.

— Function File: [x, y, buttons] = ginput (n)

Return which mouse buttons were pressed and keys were hit on the current figure. If n is defined, then wait for n mouse clicks before returning. If n is not defined, then ginput will loop until the return key <RET> is pressed.

— Function File: b = waitforbuttonpress ()

Wait for button or mouse press.over a figure window. The value of b returns 0 if a mouse button was pressed or 1 is a key was pressed.

See also: ginput.

— Function File: gtext (s)
— Function File: gtext ({s1; s2; ...})
— Function File: gtext (..., prop, val)

Place text on the current figure using the mouse. The text is defined by the string s. If s is a cell array, each element of the cell array is written to a separate line. Additional arguments are passed to the underlying text object as properties.

See also: ginput, text.

— Function File: uimenu (property, value, ...)
— Function File: uimenu (h, property, value, ...)

Create a uimenu object and return a handle to it. If h is ommited then a top-level menu for the current figure is created. If h is given then a submenu relative to h is created.

uimenu objects have the following specific properties:

A string containing the key combination together with CTRL to execute this menu entry (e.g., "x" for CTRL+x).
Is the function called when this menu entry is executed. It can be either a function string (e.g., "myfun"), a function handle (e.g., @myfun) or a cell array containing the function handle and arguments for the callback function (e.g., {@myfun, arg1, arg2}).
Can be set "on" or "off". Sets a mark at this menu entry.
Can be set "on" or "off". If disabled the menu entry cannot be selected and it is grayed out.
A color value setting the text color for this menu entry.
A string containing the label for this menu entry. A "&"-symbol can be used to mark the "accelerator" character (e.g., "E&xit")
An scalar value containing the relative menu position. The entry with the lowest value is at the first position starting from left or top.
Can be set "on" or "off". If enabled it draws a separator line above the current position. It is ignored for top level entries.


          f = uimenu("label", "&File", "accelerator", "f");
          e = uimenu("label", "&Edit", "accelerator", "e");
          uimenu(f, "label", "Close", "accelerator", "q", ...
                    "callback", "close (gcf)");
          uimenu(e, "label", "Toggle &Grid", "accelerator", "g", ...
                    "callback", "grid (gca)");

See also: figure.